We are passionate about creating high quality, artisinal, amazing, natural body care products that truly nourish your skin! Naturally! Without junk in it! Without harmful chemicals! Totally from scratch!
At Made With Love Natural Skin Care you will be pleased to find that we:
- Have a research fanatic, health nut, alchemist and trained herbalist on staff; our founder Michele Tomasicchio.
- Formulate our own recipes; just like a top chef or baker.
- Make/handcraft from scratch - measure, weigh, melt, cool, whip, jar - our products here at our production studio in little 'ole Gardiner, NY! It's more labor intensive however you are getting a superior product due to our quality methods. What we do is similar to a top chef or baker.
- Brew our own herbal infused oils to use in our luxurious creations! Translation - picking herbs fresh in the wild or from a sustainable farm or using high quality dried flowers and brewing in olive oil to perfection!
- 99% of the time we use pure essential oils for their intoxicating, superior aromas AND healing properties.
- 1% of the time we use non-carcinogenic fragrance oils because the plant may be on an endangered species list such as Sandalwood & Rosewood. Or because the pure essential oil is extremely expensive and that cost would be passed on to you. Ex: Frangipani pure essential oil is about $1,400 for 2 oz.!
- Have vegan & gluten-free options, just like a top chef or baker!
- Make everything in small batches so you know you are getting a fresh product. Again, very similar to going to a great bakery or restaurant that uses fresh, real ingredients, makes everything from scratch and makes small amounts of it!
- Use a natural preservative. Translation - our products are meant to be used, not sitting on a shelf for years. Here we go again with the food analogy; just like someone who makes pies from scratch vs. getting it from the grocery store. You gotta eat the pie; it's not a Twinkie!
- Nourish you from the outside like a top chef or baker nourishes you on the inside!
At Made With Love Natural Skin Care you will pleased to find that we DON'T:
- EVER USE SOYBEAN OIL OR SOY LECITHIN OR ANY HERBAL OILS WITH SOYBEAN OIL! EVER! (To learn more about this subject check out the FAQ page).
- Buy pre-made creams or lotion mixes add fake fragrance oils and say "we made it." I call that semi-handmade.
- Use chemical preservatives like methylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben which are linked to cancers.
- Use carcinogenic fragrance oils. The majority of our products are made with essential oils for their aroma and their medicinal properties. Fragrance oils don't have these beneficial properties like essential oils. They cause headaches, skin sensitivities, rashes and more.
- Package the majority of our products in glass. Why not plastic? Plastic can pull aroma out of the product and leech into the product.